Your First Visit with SMA
SMA House Calls

What To Expect On Your First House Call Visit With SMA

We are so excited that you are ready to schedule your first house call visit!

The initial visit is a comprehensive history and physical exam that can take up to 2 hours.  Dr. Pluta will learn about your medical history and listen to all of your current medical needs and concerns.  It is also important that she learns about your support system and meets other household members who help with your care.

The Best Part About House Calls

Remember, Dr. Pluta does not have a waiting room full of patients - you will not be rushed through a visit!   She wants to be sure that she understands all of your medical needs and can coordinate your care effectively.  Don't hesitate to share all of your questions and concerns with her.  

Here are some things that will help the first visit go smoothly...
  • Try to have a family member or caregiver present to help provide a thorough medical history.
  • Have any hospital discharge papers available. 
  • Have all medication bottles and any over the counter medications/vitamins available. 
  • If you are seeing any specialists (such as a cardiologist, neurologist), please have those phone numbers available.
  • Have the name and phone number of your previous family doctor available.
  • If you have a living will or advanced directive, please make a copy for my files. 
  • Wear comfortable loose clothing and be prepared for a comprehensive exam.
  • Have any questions or concerns ready to discuss.
  • Relax! 

COVID Precautions

I will wear a protective mask during flu and COVID seasons and certainly if it is your preference.  I always disinfect my equipment in between patients and wash my hands in between patients.  

If you have COVID, I will ask that we do a telemedicine visit instead of a face-to-face visit.